
aus GenWiki, dem genealogischen Lexikon zum Mitmachen.
Version vom 19. März 2006, 17:15 Uhr von Sabina (Diskussion • Beiträge) (A SMALL CORNER OF MY LIFE)
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am as usual playing with something I should not play with, because I am sure to make a mess of it, but I love playing with the here it goes.


I tried to download my image, but got stuck.

I was born in Essen, Rhld. Westfalen, Germany in 1939, studied in Oxford, England and a few years later emigrated to Montreal, Canada. There we stayed for barely two years, then moved to the beautiful Bahamas and had some children there...hehe.

All in all I have moved more than 47 times in my life, have led a very tumultous and busy life and am still so busy that at times my fingers are flying over the keyboard. Oh, I forgot, I also earned some of my keep i.e. studies by being a secretary to the well known Ian Robert Maxwell at Pergamon Publishing Co.

Now I am living once more in Canada, however I don't consider it my HOME, even though I carry a Canadian passport amongst others.

My hobbies????: GENEALOGY, genealgy, genealogy, MUSIK, all kinds except heavy metal or loud music, but since I grew up with German music, I obviously love classical and semi classical music, and pop. BOOKS, any kind incuding heavy like Leo Tolstoi; Gardening and PLANTS; ANIMALS (all kinds except spiders and cockroaches); Knitting, crochet work, embroidery, Painting with water color; (there was a time when I made a name for myself with designs and painting); drinking a glass of wine in front of an open fire; TRAVEL and DISCOVERING new places; EUROPE; ENGLAND; TUSCANY IN Italy; well, I could fill a page with my hobbies.......

for now I think that's enough, also because I should be entering this in German somewhere else... I forgot to mention that I also love working with the computer and learning things; And cooking and eating, and baking German cakes... I am currently working also on scrapbook and planning to repaint my bathroom.

And if that is not enough, I am also planning on a trip to Germany.

Life is short when you are busy.