Benutzer Diskussion:Kpwessel

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Die EN- WIKI site wird in letzter Zeit ziemlich vernachlaessigt und ich weiss auch nicht ob KPW da mitliest.. ;-(

Here is my last posting:

FAQ places

Yes, Fred, I agree with you completely. Most of the names and place names which the englishspeaking Members have are just coming from "Hear- say"..Usually the spellings are way off and therefore the "Suchmaske" on the CompGen Databases is completely useless for them.
And in addition none of them is 'bi- lingual' yet. There HAS TO BE a BROWSER style, where the visitor is able to see all available spelling options like it is being done with the Saxony_Roots Databases.
It looks to me that nobody from the management understands what I mean..  :-( Do you ?? --Zscheile 18:35, 20 Jul 2004 (CEST)

--wolf 19:01, 20. Jul 2004 (CEST)