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Version vom 16. November 2012, 21:18 Uhr von Rbr4genwiki (Diskussion • Beiträge)
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Thanks for the welcome. First, this will probably be obvious but, my primary language is English (American style). My ancestors are from Germany and I am very interested in tracing my genealogy and have done quite a bit of work already. I make heavy use of Google translate and other online German-English dictionaries. I have learning just enough German (written) to have a good idea of what I'm looking at so that I can decide to translate a block of text and get the full gist of the meaning. So, for the most part all of my writing originates in English and I use all of the original German source that I can or need to for accuracy. I actually tried to do this on the English language version of this site but it would not even save my page and other functions did not work as well so I decided to just go ahead and use the German language site, which with the help of translators I am able to fumble my way through. I learned a little wiki syntax from first trying Wikipedia, so I haven't had to learn it all here. I have noticed a lack of wiki reference syntax though, so I'm just doing that the old fashioned way.

My main interests are in tracing down the origins and more and more of the story of this von Utterhausen family from northern Hesse that I am writing about. I have not been able to prove my connection to the family with absolute certainty, but I believe it is very likely anyway. But, even if that turns out not to be true, the information that I have uncovered and learned about the von Utterhausen family and their affiliated families has been difficult to discover and obtain copies of as well as scan, correct scans, translate, correct translations, and so forth ... so that I wish to publish this here so that anyone who IS descended from or otherwise interested in this can find this information. There are a LOT of Reinhard families originating in northern Hesse who ARE proven to descend from this family and I suspect that not many if any at all even know it. Publishing online this will help all of those find this and perhaps with their help or the help of others to find information I do not yet have I might yet still be able to prove the connection of my Reinhardt family to this Reinhard family and so forth.

Anyone who wants to can send me personal e-mail at:

Regards, Rob Reinhardt Forest Hill, Maryland, USA