aus GenWiki, dem genealogischen Lexikon zum Mitmachen.
You find Cemetery 1 on both sides of the church. It is a wilderness.
- Hitzigrath
- Robert, Priest
- Heydeck
- Eduard, Postmaster
- Plogsties
- Charlotte born Stepputat
- Goerke
- Hugo, Bruno and Lydia
- Kopp
- Maria, widow of Birnbaum
- Fiedler
- Pauline born Krönnert
- Schuschies
- Gottl. Präzentor- teacher in Plaschken
- Lessing
- Bernhard and Dorothea born Goerke
- Engelke
- Dorothea Charlotte
- Engelke
- Henriette born Goerke
- Engelke
- Johanna and Minna
- Engelke
- Dorothea born Hohn
- Goerke
- Dorothea born Lessing
- Engelke
- Juliane, widow of Goerke, born Mertins
Cemetery 2 (Kaiserfriedhof or Karalischker Friedhof)
You find the cemetery opposite of Plaschken in a forest. It is well-kept. On the left of the cemetery you find the new border crossing of the EU.
Next to the border crossing you find the cemetery
- Ruddiene
- Gritta born Tarrttike
- Taruttis
- Anna geb. Penschuck
- Fabian
- Otto and Berta born Kunkel
back side:Grave of the family Zander
- Wittoesch
- Grita born Gailus
- Goltz
- Leopold und Grita born Pauleit
Annelie Stöllger kindly donated the photos from October 2011